Sid Mahant

Sid Mahant, IDTA Chairman

First, let me say it is an honor to be the IDTA Chairman. Also, let me thank you for being a part of our association. We can and will have a great impact on the trucking industry. There are many ways to do this and be involved. You’ve already taken the first step…getting involved!

The IDTA believes in diversity. By having representation from many different backgrounds and ethnicities, you add “cultural currency “ to your company. This helps further our industry. Diversity provides us with different perspectives and experiences. By embracing the diversity of our industry, we hope to provide an environment where we can all come together to discuss and utilize our different points of view.

Our business isn’t difficult. In its simplest form, we transport freight from point A to point B. The smallest incident can have a snowball effect across the industry. When we think about the trucking industry, we don’t just think about the drivers and their vehicles. We are thinking about everyone involved; from the dispatchers to the public. Everything we do to improve our industry and make it a safer and better place to work, improves the environment for everyone our industry touches. We must move in unison with other organizations and regulatory agencies to achieve our goals and create a greater good.

There are many ways to be involved; some of you may already participate. From events to councils, from the boardroom to the statehouse, we can make a difference. We have an industry to improve and grow to cultivate. Each of you can have a direct impact on our industry! But it is up to you. It is up to you to spread the word. It is up to you to invite your friends and colleagues. It is up to you to take action! As an association, we can compound the individual actions and create a bigger impact!

“By embracing the diversity of our industry, we hope to provide an environment where we can all come together to discuss and utilize our different points of view.”